How to use your Medical Plan Cost Estimator

The Medical Plan Cost Estimator is a tool to help you decide which medical plan may be right for you. The tool lets you compare each plan option side-by-side, and includes both your out-of-pocket costs for care (copays, deductible and coinsurance) and your paycheck deductions.

This online tool will:

  • Give you a general idea of what your health care costs may be under each of the First Solar medical plans
  • Help you determine which medical plan may provide the "best value for your money" by factoring in two key points:
    • Payroll deductions and
    • Personalized costs of your anticipated health care for the year
  • Estimate how much you potentially can save on taxes by paying for health care expenses with tax-advantaged health accounts: the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or the Health Savings Account (HSA)

Helpful Hints

  • Carefully select coverage levels and expected health care usage
  • Once you exit the tool, your results will not be saved. Be sure to click on the Print button to view your results on paper
  • After you view your results, you also should carefully consider each plan, keeping in mind your unique situation

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